Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Heart Edward!

You guys totaly have to check out Stephenie Meyer's new book, the first chapter's published online, it's awesome. So for anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about, Stephenie Meyer's is the mastmind behind the supposed trilogy Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, three of the most amzing books I've ever read, vampire love stories, with every part of literature you want in it. Well "we" were all very upset when the third "last" one came out in August because, sob sob, no more Edward. But.....I just got news today from miss cowgirl4christ that Stephenie's not only working on a forth book, but she's sort of re-writing Twilight in Edwards perspectve! It's really amzing, but I reccomend you read the actual series before you read the new chapter. So here's the link to Chapter One in Edward's Story, Midnight Sun.
And the Stephenie Meyer's homepage is if you are intersted in the books, they are so amzing and seriouslly, no gir should ever go without reading these!

They're also making a movie! I have to idea how they're ever going to cast someone as Edward, but I wish them luck, Stephenie on her books and the director on the film. Happy Everyday!

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