Sunday, September 23, 2007

I'm home!

I was at the beach this weekend, with my parents and our Jisu, but my brother stayed with a friend cuz he had a football game....yeah, I see where the priority in the family is not.....jk.
So we had a very very good family friend that just passed away from cancer and it was his daughter that was getting married. And since all of his family lives...not here, and they just came up for the funeral, no one could really come to the wedding, so my family and I really just went to support his wife, the bride's mom, cuz she didn't know a whole ton of people. I dunno how many of you have been to "Oysterville" lol on the Oregon coast but that was where it was at, it's the most adorable little town! The chuch was so cute, tiny tiny, and all the houses were like way old fashioned and it was just adorable. So that was my weekend. Other then the wedding I found a huge rock/wall to climb, and that was fun, I got a few hundred feet up it before anyone told me to get down, I'll put a pic on here, soo if you can find me!!!


Jenna said...

I love climbing the rocks/cliffs/whatever at the coast...way too much fun. Can't wait to see the pic :D

Love Always Reno said...

ok I gotta get all the pics from the camera loaded on the computer first though...